Dr. Tiffany Bastin

Tiffany is the Assistant Deputy Minister for Education Services at the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. In 2016 she was awarded the Dr. William S. Lewis doctoral fellowship and earned her Ph.D. in Education Studies at the University of New Brunswick in 2020. Her dissertation, Change Theory and the Implementation of the 10-Year Education Plan: Impacts on Educators in the New Brunswick School System was awarded the Thomas B. Greenfield Dissertation Award for the best Doctoral thesis in the area of Educational Administration and Leadership in Canada. As a teacher, Tiffany received the New Brunswick Teachers Association Excellence in Teaching Award. In her 30-year career in education, she has served in roles such as school counsellor, resource teacher, literacy specialist, school administrator, and change leader.
Second Day Nov 1st
CROSS CANADA CHECK UP PANEL: “Empowering Every Learner: Technology as a Catalyst for Equitable Education Across Canada"
The State of EdTech Gain Valuable Insights From Canadian and Global Experts on The State of EdTech in Canada
Moderator: Robert Martellacci