Richard Barwell

Dean Richard Barwell began his career at the University of Bristol, in the United Kingdom, where he earned a PhD in education. In 2006, he joined the Faculty of Education, and is currently a full professor and has been Dean since 2017. His research focuses on mathematics education, with a particular interest in the role of language in teaching and learning mathematics, an interest which first arose prior to his university career, when he taught mathematics in the United Kingdom and Pakistan. Dean Barwell is also interested in how mathematics education can address climate change and environmental sustainability. He is currently Chair of the Ontario Association of Deans of Education.north_eastexternal link He co-led the 2022 publication of the Accord on Education for as Sustainable Future,north_eastexternal link a report which emphasizes the importance of Indigenous knowledge, relationality, social justice, well-being, advocacy and hope in education research and policy-making on the climate emergency.