Rahmatullah Arman

Rahmatullah Arman is the Founder and President of
both Teach For Afghanistan, Afghanistan’s largest
youth-led educational organization, and Friends of
Teach For Afghanistan (FTFA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization registered in Delaware, USA.
Born and raised in Afghanistan, he has worked in
various senior leadership roles within both the
government and non-profit sectors in Afghanistan.
Arman has traveled to 34 provinces within Afghanistan,
gaining extensive experience in grassroots advocacy and
implementing local and global models in one of the
world's most challenging environments. He is also
globally connected, having traveled to over 25 countries
around the globe, where he has spoken at international
conferences, has led events, sessions and is active part of
various global movements and networks.
He has taught at Afghan universities, remaining closely connected to the youth, and has led
Teach For Afghanistan for over a decade, maintaining a regular presence in classrooms and
staying engaged with Afghan children. Arman holds an MBA degree and bachelor’s degree
in International Relations.
A globally recognized women's rights, education rights, and Afghan rights activist,
Rahmatullah Arman is also an analyst on Afghan issues, especially education. He is the
author of "There is a Tomorrow," and his articles have appeared in renowned publications
both within and outside Afghanistan.
Under his leadership, Teach For Afghanistan has supported over 120,000 Afghan children,
with more than 75% of them being girls. He has also overseen support to more than 100
schools and successfully graduated over 500 highly talented Afghan men and women, who
are now playing crucial roles in their local communities.
Arman advocates for equal educational opportunities for Afghan youth, women, and men,
regardless of age, gender, or background. He also leads the "AfghanCast" podcast and the
"Afghan Talk" initiative, which serves as a platform for Afghan youth, women, and men to
share their experiences, ideas, and insights, akin to TED talks but focused on Afghanistan.
Learn more about Rahmatullah Arman:
1. Educating Afghanistan’s young people is the only true solution to the scourge of
terrorism (Quartz)
2. Inspiring a new generation of leaders with Teach for Afghanistan (Newsroom)
3. In rural Afghanistan, this chemistry teacher is the solution to her school’s closed
lab (Assembly)
4. BBC on Mr.Armans work: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-40250219
1- USAID https://www.usaid.gov/afghanistan/news-information/press-
2- https://alliance.learnlife.com/members/rahmatullah-arman
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjtR4j-N1Jk Afghanistan’s first lady speech on
appreciating my work and Teach For Afghanistan.
6. Mr.Arman Speech in Global Education and Skills Conference, Dubai, UAE.
7. Mr.Arman Speech in Global Conference, Armenia https://vimeo.com/369823020
8. Mr.Arman Speech in UNESCO Global Conference:
9. Re-Learn Global Conference Speech - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-
10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2lt_uDGM90 Mr.Arman Speech in Voices
from Afghanistan with International Delegates
11. Wendy kopp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkdul6FBZAc
Second Day Nov 1st
STEM Classroom of the future learning environment panel
Moderator: Dr. Bonnie Schmidt