Katina Papulkas

Katina Papulkas is an Education Strategist at Dell Technologies and is committed to serving students from K-20 across Canada. Katina is an experienced educator with a background in teaching, online learning, educational leadership, assessment, and educational technology. In her two-decade tenure in education she has been an elementary teacher and a central instructional leader where she designed and implemented system-wide initiatives around the effective integration of technology into the curriculum. Additionally, Katina served as an administrator of a middle school at the Toronto District School Board. Most recently, she was the Director of Educational Partnerships at Television Ontario (TVO) where she focused on the design and development of digital learning resources in a cross functional and agile environment. Katina holds a Master’s Degree in Education and Technology from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
Second Day Nov 1st
Option 2: C21 Canada and Dell Technologies’ AI Use Case National Project Panel Presentation & Update from the C21 Task Force on AI
Moderator: Karen Yamada
First Day Oct 31
Summit Welcome
- Robert Martellacci, Founder & Conference Co-Chair
FireSide Chat Panel : Charting the Course: Education in the Age of AI
Moderator: Dr. Steve Joordens