Francis Mailloux

Second Day Nov 1st
Option1: Canadian IT Leader Summit Track presented by CoSN and ECNO, 'An Interactive Forum on Key Trends and Strategies'
Moderator: Keith Krueger
AI and Beyond in K-12
How are Canadian school districts/boards thinking about Artificial Intelligence (AI), including the policies and guidance they are doing around the new opportunities and risks? Hear the trends from the US around AI, as well as other urgent priorities such as cybersecurity and digital equity, from CoSN’s 2024 State of K-12 Ed Tech annual survey. Explore new K-12 AI tools that CoSN and the Council of the Great City Schools have developed to assist districts in their thinking around their readiness and maturity. Hear from key Canadian IT leaders on their priorities and engage in a discussion around innovation in K-12 that addresses the key Hurdles, Accelerators and Tech Enablers right now.