
Dr. Lesley Wilton, OCT

AIED Cluster Leader Digitallife.org; Instructor AIED and AI Ethics (OISE/University of Toronto), Assistant Professor (R), York University

Dr. Lesley Wilton, OCT, is an Assistant Professor (CLT), Teaching Stream in the Faculty of Education at York University and serves on the Tenure Stream Appointment Committee (TSAC).

Her research and teaching interests include issues and practices of integrating technology into teaching, issues in literacy, constructivist and CMC perspectives on the design of online learning environments, blended learning, foundational pre-service and research courses, and artificial intelligence in education. Her MEd research (York University) examined pre-service students’ perceptions of the concepts of digital literacy. She completed her PhD research at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)/University of Toronto, where she studied social practices and new literacies in online learning. She co-chaired the Best Paper Awards Committee of the Online Teaching and Learning Special Interest Group (OTL SIG) at AERA for many years. She recently contributed to and co-edited the Handbook of Research on Online Discussion-Based Teaching Methods (2020) and has authored a number of peer-reviewed papers such as “Quiet Participation: Investigating non-posting activities in online learning” in the Online Learning Journal (2019). She has served as an invited reviewer for many publications such as a Communication Studies special issue on Understanding Each Other when Communicating in Emerging Technology. She is currently writing a chapter for a multi-institutional eCampus book on online teaching and learning to be published in 2022. She is a long-time member of the Pepper research group and the Encore Lab. She has often presented at AERA, CSSE, Saltise and the Literacy Research Association (LRA). She is a member of the International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society and is interested in this area of research. She developed and teaches one of the few courses in this important area. She joins the call for more educators to publish research on issues of AIED.

5:00 - 6:00 PM

First Day Oct 31


Summit Welcome
  • Robert Martellacci, Founder & Conference Co-Chair
FireSide Chat Panel : Charting the Course: Education in the Age of AI

Moderator: Dr. Steve Joordens